Silent Glitch was a double presentation with artist Miriam H Nielsen and Louise Bøgelund Saugmann curated by Air du Nord for Fragment Books during Cph Art Week 2021.

Both artists work with photography, the landscape and elements from nature. Both also work with layers in their works: layers of prints and layers of landscapes and photographic fragments of nature (a stone, a tree stump, a piece of moss), respectively, thereby creating new abstract or meditative spaces. Through the work with the layers and the repetitions, small errors and shifts - glitches - occur in the works.

Louise Bøgelund Saugmann showed work from a project based on the forest at Kalvebod Fælled called Pinseskoven. For several years she has returned to the same place in the forest, photographing the same subject. The trees are photographed analogously, and the works are then built up in layers using a self-invented method that is connected to photography as a medium. This creates a space where a flap of the rhythm and time of the forest and the trees is captured. A unique handmade book attached to the project was also displayed.

The installation was supported by Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, Rådet for Visuel Kunst and Kongens Enghave Lokaludvalg.

